
Health & safety

It’s WardCrete’s policy that we give the highest priority to preventing incidents and safeguarding the health and safety of our workforce. We are fully committed to carrying out our services in the safest and most efficient manner. We look after the well-being of all those on our sites and who may be impacted by our services.

Appropriate and effective health & safety arrangements are in place to safeguard our employees and anyone else affected by our operations. WardCrete is committed to providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions. Additionally we provide equipment and systems of work, along with effective information, instruction, training and supervision. In return it is expected that everyone will work together to alleviate any possible injuries. 

We aim to eliminate workplace injuries and therefore fulfill our moral obligation to our employees and anyone else affected by our operations.

We always manage a high standard of safety among all of our jobs & we aim to eliminate every possible risk & hazard there may be on site. We take the following practices below very seriously.

risk assessment

hazard identification

Clear definitions of roles and responsibilities

safe work method statements


Safety is everyone’s responsibility, but mainly ours – we try our best to alleviate any possible risks of an accident occurring. It’s a legal obligation of ours to provide a safe working environment and for employees to work safely.

Here at WardCrete, we promise to ensure the following:

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